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UniversalGirl - February 10th, 2011 3:38 AM

hi, i have a 2yo son. and he is up to throwing objects. when he does it and i catch him i pick up the object and take it from him, its usually a favourite toy. and i then sit him out in the sunroom for 2 minutes as there is nothing except a chair out there. he cries for about a minute and then gets bored with it and i go and tell him he is able to come out. THEN he turns to coming up and whacking me on the back of the legs or of im sitting he'll whack me anywhere he can reach or he'll throw something else at me and the process starts again!

i keep trying to distract him from this behavior by making sure he always has something contructive to do but it doesnt always work.

your help would be much appreciated :)

Rhianha14 - February 10th, 2011 4:01 AM

I saw a poor mum in the supermarket the other day and the poor thing was trying to get the groceries out of her trolley onto the check out and her DS was just going nuts in the trolley jumping around and sceaming the place down, she looked like she was struggling with him and the groceries, I turned to DH with nearly tears in my eyes and said that I would so love to go over and see if I could help her at least put the groceries on the check out but it was one of those moments where you just don't know if your should. I felt so badly for her.

Your so right for the reminder to reward good behaviour.

CrestineCy90 - February 10th, 2011 4:10 AM

most toddlers go thew this stage. consistance is the main thing. i know it gets hard sometimes and you just want to give u trying. make sure you get angry and let him know that it is wrong and why it is naughty. to get down to his level look him in the eyes and use a very sturn voice so he knows your not mucking around. the sitting him on a chair by himself is a good 1. and after time out you need to refresh his brain into why he was sitting there. make sure you give very little attention t him while he is in trouble but then when he does something good give him lots of attention as they do naughty things to test you ,to see what they can get away with and your reaction but most of all your attention. good and bad atention doesnt matter at this age its all the same to them. illara gets put in her room with the door closed when she is naughty(she hates it) but when she is good i tell her how happy she made me and sit and play with her and let her pick something nice to eat and play. as long as you keep on top of it he will learn to stop (i know it does seem never ending), trust me your not thte only 1 with a terrible 2s. you definatly are not alone on this 1. (:

Pinky6Pink - February 10th, 2011 4:27 AM

proper way of telling him that he should not do it again varied from mother to mother. we should just make sure that he learns something after you reprimanded him. some children tend to be hardheaded when being reprimanded.

TwinnyPop - February 10th, 2011 6:32 AM

Constant patience and explaining to him the reason why he should STOP doing it. It does annoys us when still continuously do it as if the words we said just came out of nowhere. Grounding the child or preventing them doing the things they want when they make misbehave is discipline.

4getDTag - February 10th, 2011 9:11 AM

I always tell myself, if the child is going off their nut and mum is (trying) to remain calm and not screaming, yelling, thumping people look and think "poor mum" "I'm glad it's not me" but if the parent is acting worse than the child (or giving them everything in the world to try and shut them up (i don't think this tactic works my son) people a look and think "no wonder the kid is like that".

PrettyChick1 - February 10th, 2011 9:24 AM

you're right 4getDTag but sometimes or oftentimes my temper get a hold of me..

Kr3m3rHop3 - February 11th, 2011 12:49 AM

I so hate the parents when they can't make effort stopping their toddlers throw tantrums in public! It really annoys me. Talking to him will be the best option. I'm sure he'll get it.

BeautifulStar - February 11th, 2011 3:46 AM

Why not just let him/her learn a lesson or punish hi/her. It's not good to throw or Hit something. we dont know it might hurt somebody.


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