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Paige - November 12th, 2010 7:59 PM

i love playing and giggling with my 17 mos. old son. love him being so active and very perky. but just lately i noticed that he has been so active and is most likely out of control. i kind of worried because i am aware that children are active by nature and plays a lot but not with my son whose very very hyperactive all day long. do you think there's something wrong?

danyele - November 12th, 2010 8:01 PM

i am so fascinated with kids at toddler years who loves to play but if you are referring to a kid who's being active all day long, that's something!

cladinee - November 12th, 2010 8:03 PM

although that shows a good sign for a toddler that seems to be very keen to activities in his surroundings, too much of it shows a sign of slight disorder in his behavior. i suggest you to bring him to a pediatrician and ask for an opinion about his being hyperactive.

shinkle - November 12th, 2010 8:06 PM

i totally agree, since it doesn't sounds normal, yet too much of anything means not good anymore.

doneszia - November 12th, 2010 8:07 PM

consider he outstands amongst all the children that surrounds him, but you think that his behavior is still normal? come to think of it, you need to examine and look beyond what is wrong.

euclaire - November 12th, 2010 8:09 PM

i have read an article about children with ADHD, one of the signs are being hyperactive. if you cannot relate much of it, it is better to ask a specialist on this kind of behavior. learn what to do at the most early time you may be aware of.

ballentina - November 13th, 2010 3:14 PM

before any decisions may come up to your mind, maybe it is better to observe him first, observe the other toddlers at his age, compare how he reacts with the other kids and by there, you yourself will notice if there is really something odd going on or maybe not.

cutiemom - November 13th, 2010 3:31 PM

sometimes the foods, vitamins, people, atmosphere around him can contribute with what his behavior and attitude is. maybe lately he has been eating foods that are good for energy boosting and vitamins that keeps his metabolism burns faster. just what if, try to analyze first.

Amanda - November 13th, 2010 4:08 PM

nothing is actually wrong with a kid who is very hyperactive. do not worry much but also do not forget to ask a professional's advice on that matter. kids with exceptional skills are need to be monitored and taken care of.

Karen - November 13th, 2010 4:09 PM

sometimes we tend to overreact with kids that are so hyperactive but don't you know that this is a plus for us? some parents would be very problematic when it comes to their toddlers who are not really active enough. just be sure you are getting a close monitoring with your kid and ask a professional with regards to this matter.

Dianne - November 13th, 2010 4:13 PM

your child is gifted. some other kids are not that really active at all, but just try to observe him, if that means being active gets him to hurt his self, then maybe you should be really worried.

heidi - November 13th, 2010 4:28 PM

first, you are such a lucky mom with a great bubbly son. toddlers are really active, their metabolism are somewhat burns too fast than the normal grown-ups.

mercy - November 13th, 2010 4:29 PM

if he doesn't seems to eat too much and he is hyperactive, it seems that you may need to worry. but if he eats well, he loves to eat any kind of foods, then it's ok, it's just that the food he ate burns are energy that keeps him going.


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