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Pinky6Pink - February 10th, 2011 3:30 AM

Ok, so I havent really split from my husband yet, but I dont feel like its far off.

I still love him, but he doesnt love me anymore.

I'm just really worried about how I'm going to cope when he finds someone else and they do things together with my boy which should have been family things.

So, how do you cope with that?

Rhianha14 - February 10th, 2011 3:54 AM

i think you need to move on Miss Pinky. your hubby has already moved on so it's now your time meet new potential bfs.

CrestineCy90 - February 10th, 2011 4:04 AM

Me personally, I wouldn't cope very well Crying .

I know I am a step parent, and a very proud one, but just the thought of my son having another mother figure upsets and scares me.

Imagining my hubby with someone else also upsets me.

That is my personal opinion. Hopefully you're not like me

Pinky6Pink - February 10th, 2011 4:21 AM

No, I think I'm exactly the same. I think it would be (a bit) easier if he was older. Old enough to remember doing family things, real family things.

He'll do 'family' things with them and single mum things with me. I'm going to be the boring one.

4getDTag - February 10th, 2011 9:06 AM

Or you could meet someone as well, and your soon to be ex could end up never know what will happen. You'll always be his Mum and your little man will always think you are the best.

PrettyChick1 - February 10th, 2011 9:27 AM

i agree with Rhianha14. move on. find someone who's more deserving of you. i know this is easier said than done. focus on his negativities and you'll find yourself detaching from him for good.

UltimateStranger - February 10th, 2011 11:28 AM

find another one...that's easy. i mean that's not a problem. in life, people just come and go. as long as im with my son, no man can control my emotion or life.

Allyson - March 2nd, 2011 6:11 PM

"The sun always comes out after the storm."

A beautiful, inspiring phrase. Whenever I experience very bad things in my life and it seems nothing in the world will make me feel better, I remember the phrase. I say it to myself repeatedly.

In time the sun will come out for you Ms. Pinky6Pink. Don't give up hope, but don't fool yourself into believing that everything will be back to exactly the way they were. Solutions may present itself in ways you didn't expect. Things change constantly.

- March 16th, 2011 2:38 AM

well pinky your are in a predicament, :)...
I would say since you have kids I suggest that you give your time to them and don't look for a replacement for your ex, it will come if it is for you. just be contented with what youhave in time you will be happy.


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