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PrettyMom - October 13th, 2010 4:13 PM

Since becoming a stay-at-homer my brain as lost the ability to function at full capacity. I need to find something to satisfy the craving for intelligent conversation.

What do you do to keep your mind functioning properly?

cutiemom - October 20th, 2010 12:00 AM

everyday we always learn something new in our life and learning process grows by momentum. to avoid getting lost with your brain capacity, read intellectual and educational materials, might be books, magazines, do some crossword puzzles, word composition games and engage on casual conversations with your friends, neighbors over the internet or in person.

ladymom - October 21st, 2010 3:19 PM

go out once in a while for social conversation with your friends and family. watch some movies especially natgeo channel or discovery, any that may give you more knowledge about the world in general.

Mom2DPrince - November 6th, 2010 11:11 AM

I get my adult interaction at work. However, I still have mommy brain and have to write EVERYTHING down now if I plan on remembering it at all. Long gone are the days when I didn't have to write anything down. I use my Outlook calendar for everything now, when before my son, I thought it was pointless. Little did I know.

MommyTrix - November 6th, 2010 11:12 AM

Yes, mommies brain is real! Can I still claim mommies brain when son is 4?! write things down too and have someone check over important documents to see if I have written something completely off the wall and don't realize it. :-)

MotherEmz - November 6th, 2010 11:13 AM

I have to use my Blackberry to keep track of everything or I will forget. I can forget something seconds after I hear it. It is not getting any better.

MrsFells - November 6th, 2010 11:25 AM

I write everything down too. And then,I forget to read it! lol

I teach homeschool to 3 of my 5 kids ,so that should keep me from being brain dead, you'd think! But,ever since getting pregnant,I can't keep a train of thought!!! I have always joked about pregnant brain, but good grief! This is stupid,even for me!

MrsViola - November 6th, 2010 11:41 AM

I work, but when I'm at home I spend most of my time browsing the net. I also watch too much discovery channel and National Geographic to keep my mind busy. I also teach my 2yr old some ABCs, shapes or colors, so that I could keep his brain working as well.


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