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mommy blues - March 29th, 2011 3:20 AM

i have a 2 year old boy and he always gets fever, like every other month. ut my doctor always tells me that i should no be scared of fever. I just don't know why.

Gertrude01 - March 30th, 2011 11:08 AM

Fever isn't the "disease" itself.. it is more like a warning sign that something is wrong.. if it's just viral infection then that's self limiting. It is just important to know the reason why your baby is having fever... it is just your body's natural way of reacting to something not normal...

leslieA. - March 31st, 2011 1:53 AM

right on gertrude! fever is one way of your or your kids white blood cells that its fighting the bacteria. it goes to saying that the cure for cancer is always in us. our immune system.


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