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Katie - February 27th, 2011 10:33 PM

I believe using all 5 senses (if possible) when learning is very effective. My sister would play the ABC song every morning and my 2-year old nephew memorized the ABC when he was still a year and 8 months old. There are a lot of fun nursery rhymes in CDs and more that you and your child can watch. So it involves the sense of sight, sense of hearing, and when you dance with your kid, you can involve the sense of touch.

DaNiElLe - February 28th, 2011 3:41 AM

It is situational. While not all learning activities will require all 5-senses, I agree that it is very effective. Take for example nursery rhymes. Normally, you can't involve the sense of smell in this activity.

Katie - February 28th, 2011 4:28 AM

Danielle - That's why i indicated "(if possible)" in my sentence... you might have missed that.
Other learning activity that can help kids while using the sense of smell is cooking...the ABC memorization is just an example. Learning involves but not limited to just learning 123s or ABCs.


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