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Laura04 - February 27th, 2011 12:15 PM

A child reaches a milestone when he/she starts to utter a clear word. The first few words that come out from babies are probably the most significant words that parents hear. Even if it is as simple as "mom" or "dad".
It is a big leap of development once your child speaks.

morgan - February 28th, 2011 8:51 AM

It's true... and when babies start to talk one full clear sentence, that for me is another language milestone. It's really amazing to watch your child grow and learn. It's also easier when a child could already talk so they can express what they feel especially when they are sick. They can easily point out what hurts and what-not... versus an infant crying in somewhat like "pain" and you have to keep guessing what's making him/her cry.

margaret - February 28th, 2011 10:19 AM

i agree with you morgan. It is heartbreaking to see you kid cry out and you don't exactly know what's going on because they can't explain it yet. Talking and beig able to listen to what your child has to say is really a blessing.


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