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sUmmer - March 14th, 2011 2:57 AM

hey all!
i know that preschool kids (specifically the boys) have what you call as the castration anxiety... but what i noticed is, circumcision usually happens during preschool years.. is that okay? i mean, what is the best age for a kid to be circumcised?

ANNE - March 15th, 2011 5:25 AM

For me, the earlier, the better. They do have castration anxiety and what's wrong is that most people would use it to manipulate kids. One can always explain what circumcision is about and what it is for so the child would understand and would lessen his fear.

jaimely - March 16th, 2011 3:49 AM

I didn't tease my kids when they got circumcise and they said that supringsingly it didnt hurt at all. but yes the earlier the better.

Grace - March 24th, 2011 12:36 AM

Castration! OUch!!! Castration is when you sterilize a male, ie surgically removing their testicles! This is inhumane btw.

Circumcission however is the removal of foreskin in the penis. This is not needed but traditionally done around the world. In the United States this is usually done a few days after birth.

Never heard of castration anxiety... maybe for cows... hahahah!


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