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ClarissaJ - October 10th, 2010 10:53 AM

My daughter is almost two years old (20 months) and its like these past two week she has been horrible, and me and my husband don't know what else to do. We tried time outs to being nice and nothing is working. We thought it might of been me being pregnant and her losing some attention but truth be told we involve her in everything. so now just think its terrible twos and we don't know what else to do to deal with it. Can anyone give us some advice please?

TidySam - October 21st, 2010 3:15 PM

I feel everything you are going through, my DD is 21 months old and hit the terrible two's at 18 months. It has been terrible, my sweet little girl who did nothing wrong is now a monster to say the least. She throws things all the time, runs from us non stop, cries about everything, and the worst bits sometimes. Friday night a friend of mine and her little girl came over to watch my DD while I went to get my hair cut and my DD bit the other girl on her cheek and what makes it so bad is she was not even angry, she was giving her a hug!

I think all kids go through this and some how or another we have to make it through it. Being pregnant and going through it must be terrible, my husband and I are trying for #2 and with her being so mean sometimes it makes me rethink about it. I know that she will out grow it and I know I want another one and for them to be close in age.

I wish both of us luck with the terrible 2's!

TinyMommy20 - October 21st, 2010 3:16 PM

my son will be 3 in jan and at your daughter's age he was HORRIBLE! when he would start screaming and throwing a fit, i would put him in his room, close the door, and not go in there until he was done. that stopped the fits pretty quickly. i only had to do it about 4 times. it was horrible to listen to but it worked. i got this idea from a book called making children mind without losing yours by dr. kevin lehman. there's other things in the book that we do..for example if he refuses to eat his dinner then he doesn't eat his dinner and doesn't get any snacks 'til breakfast. the book has really, really helped us out...especailly me because while he was in his "horrible" stage my hubby was deployed and i had to figure it out myself.

wizzywigg - October 21st, 2010 3:17 PM

Just wait until 3 - it is MUCH worse.

Our daughter is almost 20 months and is a HUGE Drama Queen. She threw a fit at Day Care yesterday and banged her cheek against a shelf (now sports a nice big bruise).

Our son was never like this. So, she's either learning by example, or she is just a different personality. Regardless, there's not much we've been able to do to placate her when she's publically throwing a fit. Diversion seems to work better with her than it does with our 3 year-old son.

Good luck. Like I said earlier, just wait until 3 - it is awful!

WorkinMama - October 21st, 2010 3:17 PM

My son started the terrible two's around 18 months. He was hitting, telling me "no mommy" and being an all around brat. Nothing worked for him either. He did get time-outs and talked to ALOT, but it didn't seem to matter. After a few months, he just grew out of it. He stopped hitting and rarely talks back now. I finally got my son back!

ZenithYou - October 21st, 2010 3:20 PM

It surely is the TTs, my kids phased in and out of TTs behavior so it really is kind of a misnomer. It isn't an all the time thing. FOr my son timeouts worked really well and counting while in time out. Staying very calm. And ignoring/walking away from some of the behaviors. Counting to 10 worked well and 20 at 2 years, we often had a pause before we started counting, moving to 1-2 minute time out closer to three. You have to kind of feel out your kid. Spanking doesn't work for me or my son. My daughter is 14 months and starting with tanrums on occassion. For her walking away is all she needs. Also, helping him to have the vocabulary to voice what he felt at that moment helped him A LOT!

Constance - November 12th, 2010 11:31 PM

I'm going through the same exact thing my daughter turned two on the 2nd of Oct and OMG its like she's a new person she says no way to everything she won't eat anything and she throws tantrums.. so I feel your pain I guess all we can do is take a deep breath count to three and hope for the best...LOL

CortneyIsMe - November 12th, 2010 11:34 PM

My daughter started at 19 months. She's 3 now and not much has changed! UGH! Hate to say it, but it definitely doesn't stop with the two's. Just stay firm, don't give in to the tantrums. Stick to your guns (so to speak) and be PATIENT. It doesn't get better right away, but it does gradually. She still has those moments, and when she does they're BAD, but they ARE less frequent now.


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