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LennyLou - October 12th, 2010 8:06 PM

My daughter wants to sleep on the floor. We are living with my parents currently in transition and I have both enforced her staying in her bed and given in to her request to sleep elsewhere.

Part of the change for her is having to share a room with her brother 14mo. She did say that he wakes her up one time but I don't know how reliable her information is.

Is it important for us to have a firm stance on this? I get tired of fighting her on it and wonder whether her choosing where she sleeps could give her some sense of control over her situation. Or is it better for us to stay firm and she needs that consistency and structure.

If we do enforce her sleeping in her bed it wil impact my son too as I am sure she will wake him up with her crying.

Any thought?

Zaldy - October 16th, 2010 11:32 PM

it's good that you should teach her as early as today to sleep on a bed and give her the consequence she deserves when she falls asleep on to somewhere else especially on the floor.

Mom2DPrince - October 28th, 2010 4:39 PM

I don't see the harm in this at all, it's a fun adventure. Why not get a sleeping bag and maybe even those kid tents they make. My husband told me this is a phase his other kids both went thru at this age. They will get bored of it in time and go back to the bed. My son briefly went thru a period of wanting to sleep in the floor when he was 3, but it didn't last long at all.

MommyTrix - October 28th, 2010 4:39 PM

I let my kids sleep on the floor and still do when they want... they key word is "sleep". As long as they get enough sleep and go to bed on time and stay in their own rooms, I'm happy to let them sleep on the floor if they so desire. I don't think its worth the fight.

MotherEmz - October 28th, 2010 4:49 PM

My suggestion: Talk it through thoroughly & get all the why's & whereforths.

SLeeping on the floor can be fun. In our case, he couldn't stay on the floor. We wanted him in bed during the winter, 'cuz we live in Ohio. If you live in a scorpian area, that is something to consider.

MrsFells - October 28th, 2010 4:54 PM

Sometimes I find my 4 year old sleeping on the floor in his room, blanket, lovie, pillow, and all! Most of the time I just leave him there, as it seems a conscious decision on his part. He doesn't wake up unrested or anything, which is my primary concern.

As long as her demeanor is that of a rested 3 year old, I'd stop worrying.

MrsViola - October 28th, 2010 4:56 PM

I know that you might be worried of creepy crawlies on the floor, just make sure your floor is very clean. But other than that, you really need not worry about her sleeping the floor.


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