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justinbieberfan - March 24th, 2011 12:56 AM

we are all fans of justin bieber. however my 6 yo daughter is a fanatic. she dreams of being his girl friend, sings his songs all the time. has his songs on her ipod in repeat 24/7. she is obsessed i think. how do i stop this obsession?

nikka g - March 24th, 2011 1:15 AM

this is soo funny and scary at the same time. hahah!
well i just asked my younger sister who was a "fanantic" of the Backstreet boys of how she feels about them right now, she refuse to give me an answer. I would conclude that people specially kids will in time forget.
maybe you can have er go outside and listen to the birds for a change, or go camping to a place with no electricity,


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