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Ariette123 - October 9th, 2010 8:04 AM

Just wanted to share this. We were in the car the other day and a cop pulled up beside us. He looked at the police car and then told me he was going to be a police man-ninja-cowboy. I asked him how he was going to do all of those things, his response, "Mommy I just have to go to police school and ninja school, duh, then you can teach me how to ride a horse." Now, we live in a city, no horses anywhere. He then said he won't need a police car because he will just ride his horse and put the blue lights on his horse. Ok...when we got home later on he dressed up in his cowboy hat and belt and started being a ninja-cowboy, and I had to take a pic. I thought it was so funny.

Gracie - October 12th, 2010 4:32 PM

do you mean a "career" goal he wanted to pursue when he grows up? let him be, give him the freedom and the right to express what he wants and to go over with his wild imagination while he's still young. it is important that you support whatever he has in his mind and later on when he gets older, you may explain him what to do with his life seriously for the future.

HealthBuff - October 14th, 2010 4:33 PM

How sweet! He's a cutie and so ambitious!
I have a 4yo ds too and I LOVE this age! The other night at dinner he began asking about his future wife and wanted to know if he would have to move out of our house. He was clearly VERY worried about leaving mommy and daddy, so to put his mind at ease, I told him not to worry that they could just live with us (I know I might regret that later! lol) and you should have seen the relief on his face! He did tell me that he would have to discuss it with his wife first, but he thought that sounded like a great idea, LOL.

The things they say are so precious at this age!

LongTimeMom - October 14th, 2010 4:34 PM

That is so cute! My daughter is 5 and we had to ask her questions for school and one of the questions was what do you want to be when you grow up. Well she said that she wanted to deliver babies!! I just had our son 4 months ago and she went to every dr appointment with me and she loves my dr. So I thought it was really funny. But its great that they both have goals at such young ages.

Mackenzie - October 15th, 2010 8:32 PM

How cute, they say the most fun and interesting things at this age.
my husband was working late one night just lately so we were talking about jobs and asked my son (almost 4) if he knew what he wanted to be when he grows up. He said he wanted to be a doctor that fixes bones and a mechanic, but just until he goes to school to learn to be a doctor. I just laughed to myself and thought good, mechanic school is so much cheaper for us to pay for than med school, and if he's an orthopod I know he can afford a good nursing home for us when we get old.

ZzzzMomma - November 8th, 2010 10:16 AM

LOL so cute! My daughter told me she wanted to be a princess and I told her she might want to have a back-up plan just in case all the princes were taken. She was not swayed though...:P

1CrazyKidd - November 9th, 2010 6:36 AM

Aww... LOL I love how my son acts like he's such a tough guy but when it comes down to it he's the biggest baby and such a momma's boy.

1stTimeMama - November 9th, 2010 6:38 AM

My daughter says She is going to be a princess without marrying a prince. She has already started saving for her castle. Pretty much any extra money she gets goes into her bank for her castle fund.

She literally wears a crown every single day to preschool. I ask her why she wears the crown and she says it is because she likes it. I pointed out that none else wears one and asked her what she thinks about that. She says she thinks it is cool because she likes it and that's all that matters and she is practicing for being a princess when she grows up. I'm not sure how she is going to pull off being a princess without marrying a prince, but if anyone can manage it - I think DD will do it! LOL


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