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simonstanesha - February 21st, 2011 5:28 AM

Is it safe to go to a tanning salon when I'm pregnant?

Experts answer:
There’s no conclusive evidence that tanning beds are harmful to a developing fetus, but there is plenty of proof that they’re dangerous to you, namely by increasing your risk of developing skin cancer. Lying in a tanning booth can also raise your body temperature to a level that may be hazardous to your baby, particularly during your first trimester. Never mind that hormone changes might mean that your skin tans unevenly or that you develop large brown patches known as melasma. If you’re looking for a sun-kissed glow, try a self-tanner, which is harmless to both you and your baby.


HisWife00 - February 22nd, 2011 3:17 PM

anything that has toxic or has any chemicals in it is too risky for a pregnant women. doctors knows best!

singlesober9 - February 23rd, 2011 12:34 PM

your doctor knows what safe and unsafe during your pregnancy. i think tanning has radiation, so it's not good for the baby.

TWINKLE - March 2nd, 2011 3:26 PM

for the baby's sake, at least for the months that the baby will be in the mom's womb, we (women) should just forget being vain for once. yes, I accept I can become real vain. we don't have to look terrible during our pregnancy, but doing things that potentially harms the child, only so we can look great, must be a big NO-NO. do that after. it's a long wait - 9 months - but why become a parent if you're not yet ready? it's a responsibility but not a job.


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