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tiredMOM - March 14th, 2011 7:18 AM

don't get me wrong. i love being a mom, but it could really be tiring :(
it's one of those moments when I feel so exhausted that I start to miss being single.
the perks of not having any responsibilities... when you worry about no one else but yourself..............

wella - March 15th, 2011 5:48 AM

i feel the same way sometimes, i guess at one point or another, everybody gets tired. This is the reason why we all need a "breather". A time for ourselves. Talk it out with your partner and find some ways to relieve you from the stress you feel. It's not bad to ask for help.

GloriaStar - March 16th, 2011 2:29 AM

I have this one or two a month, i call this a loser day. this is when i don't have any responsibilities, i usually have a baby sitter or my kids are with y parents and what i do is just sleep and think of what im going to do, at the end of the day i always miss my kids and they too miss me!


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