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Jersey99MOM - February 22nd, 2011 5:33 AM

Our child-friendly movie reviews look at movies and DVDs with a child’s eye. They’ll help you decide what’s suitable for your child.

Although classifications exist as guidelines, a G-rating doesn’t always guarantee that a movie won’t scare your child or leave a lasting negative impression.

Children under the age of seven are not always mature enough to be able to distinguish fantasy from reality. Every child responds to movies and other media in different ways. Some children can react by copying behaviour they see others act out. Others can develop unrealistic fears and phobias.

How our movie reviews can help you

Our reviews provide a more in-depth description of movie content than the standard rating system. They do this by looking at:

violent material
scenes that young children might find disturbing
sexual references
coarse language
use of substances.

Each review also includes recommendations on suitable viewing ages, and some issues you could discuss with your child after watching the movie. All of this can help you talk to your children about things that might affect them in that movie.

Our movie reviewers
Qualified child development professionals review all movies rated G (general), PG (parental guidance recommended), and some M15+ (recommended for 15 years and over).

MaceeyM606 - February 22nd, 2011 1:37 PM

parents should be picky for choosing the right movie for their kids. documentaries or memoir films is also an alternative.

LovePet - February 24th, 2011 8:20 AM

theres not a lot of child friendly movies these days even Animation had violence but as much as possible try to choose movies that has general patronage rating on it

marthaS_00 - February 25th, 2011 8:43 AM

disney movies like to watch them with my kids

KaraJones - February 25th, 2011 10:07 AM

you should be aware with the tv shows or movies that you kid is watching. I mean, you can say it's just a cartoon show -no harm. but hey, there are cartoon shows that have explicit contents. just because it's cartoon doesn't mean it's for kids.

keisha01 - February 25th, 2011 10:10 AM

you're totally right, kara. Family guy is an example of which! i mean don't get me wrong, i love the show coz it's funny, but i just don't think it's appropriate for kids.

laurie - February 25th, 2011 10:13 AM

well if you want your child's first words to be "world domination" just like stewie of family guy, then let them watch it. LOL!

MamasBoy23 - February 25th, 2011 1:02 PM

Need some fresh ideas for family movie night? Whether you want to watch kids movies from Disney/Pixar, enjoy comedy or drama or are looking for a specific pick for little kids, preteens or teens, our family movies list offers you the best kids movies all in one place – new kids movies that will have parents applauding, too. So pop the popcorn, snuggle up on the sofa and relax.

Know the Best Movies for Kids


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