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Drizzystrength - February 4th, 2011 10:14 AM

Again, I think mothers should be aware of these.

Allergies - For anyone that has grown-up with allergies, they know that this is the number one springtime ailment for children and adults alike. With the proliferation of plants and flowers comes the spread of all kinds of pollen and airborne allergens. The situation can be exacerbated quickly if a brisk spring breeze is in the forecast, which can kick everything up into the air and swirl it around our heads.

Gastroenteritis - Also known as the stomach flu, this illness is particularly active in early spring. It causes vomiting and diarrhea and can therefore lead to dehydration. Because there are several viruses that can contribute to gastroenteritis, the duration of the illness can range anywhere from 1 to 10 days.

Lyme Disease - The months of April and May are the most active for ticks. Things are warming up for them too, and they\'re hungry! Particularly in the Northeast, deer ticks and other black-legged ticks can be infected with a bacteria which they can transmit to humans. Symptoms are flu-like, with fever, aches, headache, and fatigue.

Continue reading on Top five springtime ailments for children - Philadelphia family health |

iamthestern - February 7th, 2011 2:05 PM

Allergies is like a shadow to my niece! She has allergies with air, dust, chocolates, and eat selective food.


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