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Bernice05 - March 2nd, 2011 1:51 AM

My nephew had seizures when he was just 2 years old. His fever was hitting the ceiling and I started to panic when he started having seizures. Good thing the hospital is just about 5 minutes away from us. Ever since that incident, everytime he was feverish we would constantly monitor his temperature and we usually use a suppository when it's really high.

MargauX - March 2nd, 2011 1:53 AM

We have a neighbor who's youngest son's development got affected due to his seizure attacks when he was younger. There's a problem with his speech development. He can't enunciate words well and it took him time before he can comprehend what others are telling him.

brittany - March 2nd, 2011 1:59 AM

Is high temperature or high fever the only cause of seizures? and is seizures different from convulsions?

Mrs. Smith - March 2nd, 2011 2:02 AM

-Good question brittany. A seizure is different from a convulsion. Not all convulsions are caused by epileptic seizures and not all epileptic seizures lead to convulsion. Convulsion is an uncontrolled shaking of the body when the body muscles contract and relax rapidly and repeatedly.

kelly - March 2nd, 2011 2:03 AM

An increase in ones body temperature can result to convulsion.

pattyO. - March 2nd, 2011 2:09 AM

home remedies can be really helpful. Doing sponge bath and increasing oral fluids such as water can help in lowering down body temperature.


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