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worriedMOM - March 1st, 2011 6:48 AM

hello moms.
It took me time to accept this but i'm worried about my son's learning capacity.
he has poor performance in school and at the same time he has low tolerance to frustration. I have to comfort him every time he flunks. He is a good kid, but he is having difficulty understanding his lessons at school. What can I do about this?

brOOke - March 1st, 2011 8:47 AM

if you are apprehensive about your child's learning capacity, it would help if you contact his school and arrange for testing and evaluation. I believe schools are mandated to provide an individual educational plan geared to develop the child's learning capacity if the tests indicate a need for a special education.

Mrs. Smith - March 1st, 2011 8:49 AM

-you might also want to take your son to his pediatrician to conduct a complete physical examination. Sometimes their difficulty in coping at school maybe related to correctable problems such poor eye sight or hearing loss.

cOrie - March 2nd, 2011 2:13 AM

i would have to agree with mrs. smith.
there might be other underlying causes why your child is acting the way he is.


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