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Bonita1980 - February 10th, 2011 3:36 AM

A friend of mine has a three year old who has just been diagnosed with ADHD. He is too young to be given medication for it but he is (im sorry but no real nice way to put this) a HORROR child. Well the fact that he is ADHD pretty much covers it.

Is there anyone who had children or knows ways to manage with and ADHD child until they can be put on medication for it.

Rhianha14 - February 10th, 2011 3:59 AM

Absolutely. There are a bunch of food additives that have been proven to cause ADHD. Six of them are colours and some are preservatives. See if you can find a book called "Additive Alert" for your friend. Or PM me your email address and I can send you some info too.

Good luck for your friend! At least having a diagnosis will make it easier for her to understand her bub.

CoffeeFlame - February 10th, 2011 4:00 AM

I have an 8 year old son with adhd. I can’t accept having him on meds, however I can’t accept having him fail in school if he’s not medicated.There’s no easy answer or perhaps you may know something that I don’t.
DESPERATE FOR ADVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CrestineCy90 - February 10th, 2011 4:07 AM

Not sure if you're friend would be interested but changing what the boy eats can affect behaviour, taking additives and preservatives out of a diet is a start but even dairy has been known in a few cases to cause developmental delays and behavioural problems. Even a simple banana can send children off the rails, I know this first hand as bananas give me migraines and can make me a very unpleasant person.

Good luck to your friend and good on you for wanting to help.

CrestineCy90 - February 10th, 2011 4:09 AM


i think your case is not that serious since he's in school...i mean he has a special instructor, right?

Pinky6Pink - February 10th, 2011 4:25 AM

Diet is a huge factor when it comes to ADD or ADHD.

4getDTag - February 10th, 2011 9:09 AM

Yeah, pinky is!!!! Our family are on a 'modified' failsafe diet all the time. Also, I would take him to a naturopath. They can give bach flower remedies which can calm him, in a nice way. I used Bach flower with my eldest for a while. And they may also give him some magnesium. Along with this she would have to use behavioural strategies. But she may find it easier to get him to calm himself down with the new diet and remedies. I'm sure if she has been given a 'diagnosis' then she would have been refered to a child physch or occupational therapist? Some one who could help her with behaviour stratagies? With all these new things in play, he may settle right down.

PrettyChick1 - February 10th, 2011 9:28 AM

can't imagine myself with a child having ADHD. my heart goes out to all moms who have children suffering from this defect. ):

UltimateStranger - February 10th, 2011 11:36 AM

poor thing..your friend has a lifetime sacrifice at hand..i mean raising a child with ADHD is a lifetime commitment.

Maeve2011 - February 11th, 2011 2:26 AM

I learnt that children with A.D.H.D are not so different. They thrive on attention and good criticism. They like to be the centre of attention but in a controlled way they can be an inspiration to others. I never shout at my son but ask him 'did you have to do that, when you can tell me your thoughts we will discuss why I am angry with you'. This always works and Craig realises what the implications of his actions are.

sundae_55 - February 21st, 2011 1:52 AM

it so difficult to raise a child with ADHD

CarlaMarie - February 28th, 2011 1:20 AM

I have a brother that has ADHD and I think he grew up ok, he's now 24 and had achieve so much, far too much of what was expected from him.


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