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Samantha31, OH - March 27th, 2011 6:57 AM

my 7-year old child has a hearing disability and I worry about him going to school. Though I have already talked to his teacher and made special arrangements and he uses the hearing aid, i'm still a bit apprehensive. I worry about his development in school. Should I consider home school instead? so we can really focus on his learning?

Katrina - March 27th, 2011 2:40 PM

I think you can first try and see if sending him to school would help. For me the advantage is he will live a close to normal kind of life (like going to a regular school). Just do consistent follow up on what they have discussed in school and ofcourse if you have already informed his teacher then i'm pretty sure he'd get all the help he needs.

ms.may - March 29th, 2011 2:33 AM

does his hearing aid not work well? there are hearing aids that are skin toned so its not really obvious that a person is wearing them.


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