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musical genius - March 29th, 2011 3:16 AM

pretty much a bad combination, ear infections which makes long nights. is there any temporary remedy or do we need to rush into the hospital when our kid gets ear pain

orchid grower - March 31st, 2011 1:40 AM

well there is things we need to look out for most of them physical so that we don't have to ask our kid. but to answer your question,using warmth on your kids infected ear will somehow lower down the pain, give your kid some tylenol (check for dosage) so that he can go to sleep.

ticking suprise - March 31st, 2011 2:07 AM

ear infections can be something really serious, here are somethings you need to look out for,a history of a penetrating ear trauma,.a stiff neck, cannot touch his/her chin to their chest, or cannot curl into the fetal position and kiss their knee,
there is redness, swelling and tenderness over the bone behind the ear,
or even none of the above but is acting very sick and your intuition tells you something is wrong

beth_ben - April 2nd, 2011 5:30 AM

what is the cause of his ear pain?


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