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Bonita1980 - February 20th, 2011 1:31 PM

She's not trying hard enough -- here's how to encourage her!

If you've ever seen your kid give less than 100 percent during a ball game, then you know how tempting it is to give her a hard time about it. Instead, try these tips from Joel Fish, Ph.D., author of 101 Ways to Be a Terrific Sports Parent:

Breed success with success. High-five all aspects of your child's experience --getting fit, learning new skills, being a good sport -- to inspire her to keep trying. You can say, "You were a great teammate today. I'm really proud of you."

Analyze, don't criticize. Instead of scolding, ask your child why she didn't overrun the bag or what she might have done better.

Lower your expectations. We're so used to watching pros, we may expect our kids to have the same focus and discipline. You can dress them up in cleats or shoulder pads, but they're still goofy 8-year-olds.

Let her quit. If your child insists, taking a season off at 7, 8, or 9 isn't the end of the world. Kids grow so fast that there's little point in specializing in a sport that young anyway.


Magic_maggie - February 21st, 2011 4:05 AM

its nice to say inspiring words to your kids, try to motivate them.

butterflygirl1 - February 26th, 2011 3:23 AM

encourage her, but do not compare her to other children

kayeleeb01 - February 26th, 2011 1:08 PM

Parents needs to be more supportive, caring and conscious or sensitive with their child's needs. Encouragement is what they most need.

NikkiGoldberg - February 27th, 2011 12:10 PM

make it a point system, and make an agreement with your kid. say if you score this amoun of points i'll treat you to ice cream and if you score highest i'll treat your team to a pizza party. whatever wors for you...

hope this helps!

Kr3m3rHop3 - February 27th, 2011 2:08 PM

Full support, love and care. That's what your children needs!


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