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WandaKegg - February 25th, 2011 5:36 AM

Many infants and young children calm themselves by sucking their thumbs. While most children will stop on their own between ages 3 and 6, some continue past the age of 4 or 5. Prolonged thumb-sucking can lead to serious dental and speech problems. By using lots of love, encouragement, and a few simple steps, you can help your child succeed in breaking the thumb-sucking habit.

What problems are caused by thumb-sucking?
Why is it important to stop prolonged thumb-sucking?
How do we start?
Where to go from here?

Know the answers

butterflygirl1 - February 26th, 2011 3:21 AM

they really do it out of habits, but try to talk to them about it, its not good to look at but also its very unclean


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