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KaraJones - February 27th, 2011 11:19 PM

We have been blessed with having multiple talents, whatever it is that we're good at and we do best. However these talents don't just fall on one's lap. A few are born with it, while others can actually learn to make it a talent. If you see your kid doodle on her papers, drawing as simple as a flower or a rainbow, a butterfly and what-have-yous, appreciate their effort and encourage them to do more. It is really important that we are keen to what our kids are "potentially" good at and nurture that gift.

mommad - February 28th, 2011 2:48 AM


I know how important encouragement is to a kid. I didn't get it from my parents when I was still a child. However I'm not blaming them. Eventually I "got it right" although a bit late.

MommyEverest - February 28th, 2011 3:54 AM

Appreciating kids work and challenging them to do better is another way of not just spotting the talent but mproving it. Kids love challenges but they love compliments more.

morgan - February 28th, 2011 4:07 AM

There a lot of ways to enhance your child's talent. You can personally help them or you can also enroll them to workshops that can help them explore more of what they want. Like art school, music school, dance school and others.

evelilly - February 28th, 2011 6:35 AM

they are a lot of workshops that enhances the kids talent, proper training can be really good

brOOke - March 2nd, 2011 3:23 AM

you can develop multitude of talents for your kid. Remember, just cultivate and enhance what the child has/wants, not something that you yourself wants. If you are a frustrated ballerina don't let your daughter fulfill it for you if she does not like ballet.


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