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Ronnie03 - March 14th, 2011 5:58 AM

according to Sigmund Freud, infants/kids 12-18 mos. get gratification by feeding. It's also the reason why they love to put just about anything inside their mouth. However, there are kids who display the same characteristic at the age of 12 years or even more! It seems like they have become orally fixated. What could be the probable reason why they exhibit this kind of attitude?

sunnyrainbow - March 14th, 2011 6:39 AM

thumbsucking is another example of oral fixation, i remeber until i was about 15 i still keep biting one end of a ballpen.i can think clearly or somehow it relieves stress. if your asking for the reasons maybe we should ask a shink...

katerina_p. - March 15th, 2011 5:42 AM

It could be that they are considered orally fixated OR they just went into a brief phase of regression - we all do. There are times that we go back to an earlier stage in life (as mentioned by sunnyrainbow) it helps relieve us from discomfort. One concrete example is when we cry while lying down we usually do a fetal position when we curve into a ball, it gives us a safe feeling.

monica_spells - March 17th, 2011 12:23 AM

read it before that kids that has oral fixation are brest fed babies, since they were used to sucking for food it gives them a sense of cofort, not sure how true i this. But it makes sense.


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