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just_me - March 14th, 2011 5:18 AM

I'm a little bothered. I caught my son (who happens to be just 10 years old!) doing the act... I didn't exactly know how to react... this is the thing, I'm a single mom and I don't know exactly how to approach my son with this thing. Though I try my best to be his mom and dad at the same time, it's so hard raising him without a father. Is there any single moms out there that can somehow shed some light on how I should handle this matter? I know it's part of growing up but isn't it too early for him??? - March 14th, 2011 6:47 AM

problem with masturbation is that its addictive, 10 is early but not too early. best thing to do is talk to him directly. sometimes kids know that we know and since we don't talk to them they assume that is ok/

bernic - March 15th, 2011 5:21 AM

we have the same dilemma. i think young boys would also find it awkward to talk about it with their moms. It's a "guy talk". Maybe you can ask help from a male friend, or maybe your dad or someone he finds a "father figure" with.

Bernice05 - March 15th, 2011 5:21 AM

we have the same dilemma. i think young boys would also find it awkward to talk about it with their moms. It's a "guy talk". Maybe you can ask help from a male friend, or maybe your dad or someone he finds a "father figure" with.

guenny - March 20th, 2011 7:30 AM

it's really a guy talk, since boys are too ashamed talking to girls on these matter, its also good to have your kid introduce to some girl friends to make sure he does not objectify us girls

Wanda - March 27th, 2011 5:09 AM

not a single mom but i think you should just tell him face to face. masturbating is not really something he should be doing as he is still young. explain to him why its still early to do so and ask him not to do it if he can.


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