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peaches - March 29th, 2011 3:34 AM

i guess we already know why 2 is considered the most challenging age for al parents, study shows that this is the age that they start eating the wrong food.

shiela mae - March 31st, 2011 2:21 AM

thats something i also remember now that you mentioned it. kids learn how to eat sweets on this age. I wonder what would be the best solution for this, stop the sweet addiction, maybe we can stop obesity.

ginger - April 1st, 2011 3:32 AM

if you give them the wrong foods then they will start to eat it. remember that you are the boss of your kids. set good examples and your kids will follow.

Juleanna - April 4th, 2011 5:36 AM

Discovery and Exploration begins at this age group. Naturally they are more inclined to playing and doing other stuff than eating. They usually go with just the finger food so they can still move around while eating.

eLeOnOr - April 6th, 2011 2:43 PM

they eat the wrong food because you give it to them. kids discover because they explore yes. but you can control that exploration.

Grace - April 8th, 2011 3:33 AM

to eLeOnOr

I agree. At two your kid is dependent on you. So if you give them sweets then this is what they will always want. I believe in letting them "explore" but giving sweets or junk food can be controlled by YOU - THE PARENT.


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