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Unique1111 - February 18th, 2011 2:11 PM

NOTE: I guess this answers my questions to why my niece cries on her sleep. It annoys me!!!

Sounds like your newborn is "sleeping like a baby." Parents are often surprised at just how much noise a tiny baby can make, even while sleeping. Of course, you want to check with baby's doctor to make sure nothing is wrong. But if he's healthy, it's just one of those things that he'll grow out of.

New babies' neurological systems are still quite "raw" for awhile. They're still getting all of their body systems regulated, including their sleep/wake cycles. That's why they have those weird, semi-conscious states where it's hard to decide if they're asleep or awake. This will improve over time, and by 3-4 months of age you should notice a big improvement.

Throughout the first year, it's important to comfort baby when he's upset -- that is, if he is truly upset. If he's just grunting and making noise, you might consider having him sleep in his own room so that YOU can get some rest!


Mom_Bee - February 19th, 2011 7:18 AM

i like my baby to sleep beside me so i can check him from time to time.

Nicole.Smith - February 20th, 2011 4:46 AM

putting your baby's crib next to your bed will also be helpful. your baby will feel your presence.

UniversalGirl - February 20th, 2011 2:53 PM

It could be nightmares.. But if the child is literally crying while sleeping every night, that is alarming. I suggest, ask a doctor or a therapist about it.


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