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Blossom - October 10th, 2010 8:19 AM

So I'm trying to get a nap time routine for my 3 month old...and it will go good for a while and then get off again....Past few days it has been a bunch of little catnaps, and seemed always tired. Then it will be more routine again, about an hour nap in the morning, a good 2-3 hr nap mid day, and another hour or so nap late afternoon. Goes to bed sometime b/t 7-8 & sleeps great only waking to eat, and then up around 8. Is this normal? Is the short, long, short nap routine good and should i try to stick to this, or just let him tell me when he is tired, and if we wants to do cat naps then so be it? It just seems that once we get a good routine down, he throws it out the window. I am no longer Breastfeeding (complications) so the eating is getting more scheduled too, so I'm hoping that that will help as well. First time mom, just trying to understand a little better and make sure I'm doing things right

CHAVIE - October 11th, 2010 11:45 PM

part of being a mom comes a long day stress with regards to sleeping routines, naps and all those tic-tac moments with your baby. so probably during those period of time with your baby, you will really have this very stressful schedule with having a regular 8-hr sleeping time. this is not permanent though, by time, your baby will learn to sleep with the right time during at night.

CarminaH - October 18th, 2010 3:30 PM

Just figured I pop in real quick and recommend a napping advice. Does your naptime routine mirror your bedtime routine? Because that will help keep familiarity and ease for your LO to maintain a naptime...good luck

Carolanne000 - October 18th, 2010 3:31 PM

That is what I am doing with my 4 month old, and also did with my 2 year old. At about 5 months, I switched my son to a 2-3-4 sleep schedule, where I put him down for a nap 2 hours after waking, another nap 3 hours after waking from first nap, and bedtime was 4 hours after waking from second nap. It worked great for us, and I used the same routine until he was about 20 months old, when he went to one nap a day.

CuteeMonkey - October 19th, 2010 3:55 PM

This is very normal for your littleone's age... when he's a bit older, like 12months old, you can definitely get the nap time routine that you wanted. But 3months is an early stage and your baby is still adjusting. Bare with it for now.

CyndeenotLauper - October 19th, 2010 3:57 PM

My littleone is 4 months and I have the same problem. I've been breastfeeding to sleep and everyone keeps telling me it's a big no-no. Today I was able to breastfeed until she was sleepy, and pat her butt until she fell asleep. She fusses and cries. I've given her a "lovely", a no-stuffing purple rabbit and I let her hold it as she is falling asleep. Hopefully that will take the place of nursing.

Develop a routine, I hear babies thrive on one. Its so hard, I like routines but every time I get settled into one, she changes it. Be consistent. Its what I am trying and I hope it works! I feel bad when she cries too so I do what I can to minimize the cries.

ClarissaJ - November 11th, 2010 12:36 PM

I could be way off base here but he sounds overtired. I'd try putting down at the FIRST sign of tiredness (a yawn, rubbing eyes, crabbiness).


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