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kitty - October 27th, 2010 3:11 AM

i am just concern about the possible risks of having a ceasarian section delivery, what are the risks that my baby may have because of such kind of delivery? i have heard that there maybe some serious illness that the baby may acquire. how true?

Monna - October 27th, 2010 9:07 PM

Yes it is true but you don't have to worry because you can avoid such illnesses. The only thing is cs born babies may have a weaker immune system than babies delivered normally because there is a certain good bacteria that is obtained by the baby when delivered normally. You can provide such for cs babies through breastfeeding, most especially the first 3 days milk that you produce.

**alexa** - October 27th, 2010 9:56 PM

i did not know this one until i've read your post. i do have a cs delivery and good that i was able to breastfeed him for almost 2 months. so far the only infection that he had was when he was 1 year old with amoebiasis but that was it and nothing more, now he is 3 years old.

mikaela - October 29th, 2010 1:45 AM

yes there are some certain risks to babies who are into for a cesarean procedure like being premature and some breathing problems.

kitty - November 2nd, 2010 12:30 AM

i see, thanks for all the info mothers. i am breastfeeding him and i am thankful that i do satisfy him with my milk.

Marianne - November 3rd, 2010 10:05 PM

As I've observed, cs babies are mentally and emotionally strong compared to babies delivered normally. I don't know if this true but this is my observation to the babies delivered through cs.


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