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MommyTrix - October 13th, 2010 3:30 PM

i placed my baby on my bed which is high up (I KNOW.... BAD MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
and he rolled over and fell and hit his head...

he didn't cry as much as i thought he would... but i'm scared right now... it happened how could i have done this....

Kat20 - October 13th, 2010 9:45 PM

Oh no! I am really scared that might happen to my baby that is why I decided to remove our bed frame and just put the foam on the floor. You should consult your doctor to have your baby checked.

joyce - October 14th, 2010 3:02 PM

worst... :( if he did not cry, you should have brought him to the pedia and check any bruise or internal injury manifestation.

shareen - October 29th, 2010 1:36 AM

babies do not need beds like usual big kids do. you should put them on cribs to avoid them fall off.

BabyLuv77 - November 2nd, 2010 1:07 PM

Just make sure that he isnt sleeping more than normal, lethargic or vomitting and he will be fine. Sorry that happened. I think that a lot of babies fall at some point. Just keep an eye on him and I bet you wont make the mistake again.

Bailey - November 2nd, 2010 1:09 PM

my daughter fell off the couch and chair when my husband fell asleep watching her (which he doesnt anymore and now he is retired(cop) so he sleeps much better)

we made sure she wasnt overly tired and when she did fall asleep i watched her but thats because im a worry

just watch her for a while

Becca - November 2nd, 2010 1:11 PM

my son fell off the couch onto the hardwood floor.. he was fine... I wouldn't worry too much unless he's acting differently and sleeping too much. You know him best so if he doesn't seem like himself, take him in.. I would still at least call and see what the doc says.. I did, he told me not to worry, he's probably fine, and had me wake him up every couple hours that night to check on him to see if he was still acting normal (it happened right before bedtime)...

Bessy_898 - November 2nd, 2010 1:12 PM

You're not the only one. In fact I would venture to guess that almost EVERY baby has fallen off a high surface at one time or another (whether we would admit it or not). I'm sure your little one will be fine, but I can understand the concern falling onto such a hard surface.

BlessedMamacita - November 2nd, 2010 1:19 PM

no you are not a bad mom... my littleone fell off the bed when she was 2 months and we also have hardwood floors and a high bed and my mom told me to take her to the doc so i did and they took an xray its mandatory at our hosptial if some hits there head! they said everything was a okay with her... she didn't have a bump or anything.. i hope your son is okay.


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