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monique - April 3rd, 2011 2:23 AM

Hi! I just wanna know, what's the appropriate technique for burping a baby?


Gertrude01 - April 4th, 2011 2:09 AM

there are actually different ways of letting your baby burp. But I'm most comfortable with letting my baby burp over my shoulder. You let the baby drape way up over your shoulder so it presses against her/his tummy. Then you can rub or pat her/his back gently. Make sure you hold the baby securely.

Leila, KS - April 4th, 2011 5:19 AM

What you really need to look out for is when you try to let them burp they also spit up. What I usually do when I feed my kid, is that I let him burp and then switch him to the other side and continue feeding. For me, it reduces the chances of large spit ups and removing hte air also makes more room for milk in his tummy. :)

Bailey - April 5th, 2011 12:17 AM

My baby is already 6 months old... and I find it easier to do the knee-chest position in making her burp. You flex your baby's knees up her chest.. It also helps in passing gas.

Faith87 - April 5th, 2011 3:07 AM

no technique. just put him against your shoulder after feeding and gently pat his back...


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