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the busy days... and a time for a good looking mom.
16 posts on this thread and the last post was on November 1st, 2010 5:47 AM by shirey
Jacqueline - October 11th, 2010 3:09 PM

I am a mom of two boys and very proud to be very hands on to both of them. I was just thinking that it seems I already forgot to manage and pamper my own self. Do you have any advices on how to keep yourself looking good while being busy as a mom and a wife?

denise - October 11th, 2010 3:12 PM

common trouble of a mom. i'm a single mom of a beautiful girl. as busy as can be, i never forget to clean my face aside from just washing it everyday, at least i do every time i go to sleep. :)

mercy - October 11th, 2010 3:16 PM

yes pretty much hard for us but all you need to do is to make a time management chart in case you are having trouble putting everything down the line.

Jasmine1985 - October 11th, 2010 3:21 PM

looking good has never been an issue to me although i am a full time mom, yes it's some sort of had to juggle both keeping yourself beautiful while being a mom, but pampering is never that hard to do. you don't need to put all your time pampering yourself. a simple regimen done every night before you sleep will help you look good.

cutiemom - October 11th, 2010 3:26 PM

practically speaking, beauty regimen can really help for us moms not to look overly stressed everyday. but remember, you need to eat the right amount of food and healthy diet will do all the pampering for us while taking care of our loved ones!

cindy - October 11th, 2010 3:29 PM

take some vitamins and supplements, drink lots of water, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, you need these in order to keep you blooming and at the same time boost your energy the whole day long.

heidi - October 11th, 2010 3:40 PM

given that you are a hands-on mom, you are actively doing some sorts of chores and that can be one of the best exercise for active moms. now for pampering, just don't forget to give yourself the time to breath in-out every once in a while so you won't feel exhausted with all that daily activities you need to do with your kids.

babylove - October 11th, 2010 3:53 PM

try do some playful fun activities with your boys, exerting energy and sweating a bit outdoors will keep your skin look good and healthy.

raddah - October 11th, 2010 11:48 PM

i am thinking about being a mom, means you have the most hardest job on top of the world. yes of course it is, but if you will only think about how enjoyable it is to be a mom, you will never get stressed.

CHAVIE - October 12th, 2010 5:04 PM

i agree, it can be really stressful but just enjoy... well, you really don't need to take the job of being a mom seriously. enjoy every minute you are with your children, that makes worthwhile.

grizelda - October 12th, 2010 5:16 PM

go out once in a while, say on Sundays, reserve an hour or 2 for spa, hot tub and a massage. that doesn't take any longer, take it as a routine to relax and to prepare the loads of being a mom for the whole week.

adia brown - October 19th, 2010 7:14 PM

maybe because you don't unwind some time. it's important to relax in the middle of the day and at night when everyone's asleep. find something you love the most like watching your favorite show, movie, play a game while eating your favorite food and do stuffs that you really love at your free time. free time means you alot even an hour every night or at any time of the day.

bobbielyn - October 21st, 2010 3:10 PM

love that! i do it quite often, i love going out sitting in my veranda while observing the sun set. when everyone's asleep, i treat myself cookie and milk while playing crossword puzzle! :D

HELEENA - October 25th, 2010 3:34 PM

for those moms who are just too busy during daylight, find some time to giggle and converse with your hubbies during bedtime, it HELPS!

graciella - October 28th, 2010 2:39 AM

i have this massage chair in our home. after a whole day chores-filled and exhaustion, i sit and relax to ease my stress.

JUNIPER - October 30th, 2010 12:58 AM

do you guys take energy drinks? i think it's bad if you have it too much but then i really need it when i feel super drained over a day or two.

shirey - November 1st, 2010 5:47 AM

yes it's ok but not too much. instead of energy drink, take some vitamins and plenty of water will help you give the energy you need for the entire day.


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