Potty Training

Potty training is a big step for every young child. It is also an important stage for their parents, who often worry if their child is being toilet trained at the right time and in the right way. Read on for some excellent tips on infant potty training.

When to Start Potty Training

Experts have different opinions on when to start potty training. Some say that it’s better for nature to take its course while others believe that early potty training is best.

The only right answer when it comes to when to start infant potty training is whether your child is ready. Remember your role is to support and encourage your child, not to force him.

However parents should be prepared for this moment. Preparing toilet training strategies is important so that you can properly guide your child through the potty training process.

Look for signals that your child is ready to start toilet training. This includes an increased awareness in your child of toilets or their bodily functions and a greater awareness of when they go pee or poo, especially beforehand. Also, your infant might also start talking about pee or poop and ask you questions about it.

Toilet Training Tips: Establishing A Routine

Potty training a toddler doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s important to establish guidelines to help your child learn about and to actively involve them in the toilet training process.

Use the above signs as your guide. Reinforce your child’s interest in pee and poop by talking openly about going potty and answer any questions they might have. Reinforce your child’s interest in the potty by reinforcing them through action.

Establish a daytime routine; at the beginning, set a timer for every two hours. When it rings, say "It’s potty time" and teach your child to say the same if he has to use the potty. He’ll soon catch on.

If your child has a bowel movement in her diaper, physically put the poop in the toilet. Let your child watch; it’ll help her establish an association between the two.

Once your child becomes a little more independent, give her more space. Say, "You go to the potty and I’ll be there in a minute." Learn to start respecting her need for privacy.

Another great toilet training tip is to relocate the potty near to your child’s play area so that it won’t be an interruption to his playtime.

Above all, it’s important not to force your child. If your child isn’t catching on, chances are he’s not ready to start potty training yet.


Keep praise simple. A word of encouragement and a reassuring hug go a long way.

Be sure to give praise when your child stays dry between trips to the potty.

Focus on the positives. If your child remembered to wash her hands, praise her for her good hygiene. Don’t focus on the fact that this time she forgot to flush. Potty training a toddler is a process that takes time.

Potty Training and Hygiene

Hygiene is an important part of potty training.

Teach your child to wipe himself properly; show your child how to wash her hands thoroughly.

Change soiled underwear and clothes promptly.

Offer rewards for good hygiene. Giving your child a sticker every time she practices good hygiene will help keep her motivated and is a fun way to chart her potty training progress.

For more advice on easy potty training, click on this helpful potty training site.