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ticking bomb - April 14th, 2011 1:26 AM

i'm about to explode! i feel hopeless and helpless ;( my husband keeps breaking his promises. He is an alcoholic and it's ruining our family. Our two kids are already affected. Everytime i decide to stay away from him he gives us promises that turns out to be empty! :( i can't raise our two kida alone but i can't go on living like this... i don't know what to do anymore... i just go nowhere else to go... i just have to vent out here....

Yvonne - April 14th, 2011 10:28 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your predicament... i can only imagine how hard it must have been for you... well, there are a lot of support groups that can help you and your husband... how about letting him join alcoholics anonymous or seek for professiobal help.. don't lose hope yet... you said it yourself, it's hard to raise children alone... and pray... :)

Candice Sumpreme - April 15th, 2011 12:39 AM

AA sessions are really helpful he needs to go through all the process of withdrawal. also talking to fellow AA's can help your husband realize why he is an alcoholic.

SAM - April 15th, 2011 9:33 AM

Have you considered a trial separation or a divorce? If you think this is harsh think about your kids. Would you want them to be raised in a volatile environment?

donald - April 16th, 2011 10:25 AM

My parents got divorced for this reason. This is also the reason why I seldom drink beyond a can of beer or a glass of wine. I can tell you that it can be traumatic for the kids if they continue to be exposed to violence.

itsmeAnna - April 20th, 2011 3:15 AM

A violent household is no place to raise children. How can you stand there and not want to leave? I think its time you do something for your kids and stand up for yourself and leave him for good.

jane - April 21st, 2011 12:43 AM

As a mother your first duty is to your kids. Giving a person one more chance is OK but if he keeps breaking them what's the point. You have to choose now lest your kids suffer more damage.


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