Kids Crafts for Father's Day

No Father's Day gift is more enjoyable than one that is homemade - and nothing is better than making some kids crafts for Father's Day. If you and your children are stuck for some Father's Day craft ideas, then look no further.  We have some great ideas for Father's Day crafts that dad is sure to love.

Some easy crafts for kids are a paperweight for dad's office or a sporty pen holder. Dad will love these homemade gifts since they come from the heart and because he doesn't have to contribute money towards the purchase of his own Father's Day present. 

Another great Fathers Day craft, and one of the easier craft ideas for kids, is a keepsake trinket box for Dad to store photos of a very special person!  Each child can then put in his favorite pictures taken with dad and it will be a memorable gift dad can cherish for a lifetime.  

If this is baby's first father's day, how about making a handprint of baby's tiny cute hands along with a special poem.  This will not only be endearing but also creates a great record of the baby's prints incase some future need arises.

Remember that you don't have to get fancy when making Fathers Day crafts. Dad will love everything that's made with love and given with a hug!