The Gift Of Music

Children Love Music

If there is one thing that is common to all children everywhere, it may well be the love of and attraction to music. You may remember when you were carrying your baby, long before he or she was even born, when music you enjoyed was played and the baby moved or settled down, depending upon the music. After the baby was born, you likely sang to him or her or hummed lullabies as you were putting the baby to sleep. Indeed, music becomes an integral part of a child's life very early on.

Children are enchanted by the harmony of songs, regardless whether the music is good or bad. They will often sit for hours just listening, singing along, or dancing to the melodies they hear. Music appeals to the imagination and, like the pied piper, music can lure a child's mind into another dimension. If music has been in the house since your child's birth, then there is a good chance it will continue to influence him or her and become an integral part of growing up.

Giving Your Child The Tools

As your child grows, giving him or her toys that produce musical sounds is a wonderful way to instill an interest in musical instruments or some other aspect of music, perhaps singing. There is a wide variety of toy musical instruments available today. From guitars and drums to xylophones and pianos, children can learn to make music and have fun at the same time. Simple rhythm toys, such as a tambourine or drums, help them to keep time and well as count. Since music is written mathematically, counting beats can open the door to other musical games. Hand-eye coordination, balance, and movement are all part of teaching music to toddlers. Kindergarten and preschool education workers use songs accompanied by actions such as hand movements, dancing, games, or pantomime in order to develop various mind/body connections.

Exposure To The Classics

Exposing young children to great music is an excellent method of educating and stimulating intellect and growth. It has long been known that classical music, that of the masters such as Brahms and Beethoven, opens the mind to greater things, aids in concentration and soothes agitation. If your child shows an interest in an instrument, the earlier you can start him on it, the better. There was a time when only children "of a certain age and maturity" were given music lessons, but today there is a growing understanding of the value of teaching little children to play, love and listen to great music.  It helps with language skills, coordination and concentration.

When a child learns that he or she has the power to create music, they learn they have the ability to do many other things as well. What greater gift to give your child than that of self-confidence and accomplishment, through the gift of music.