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JanessaR - February 21st, 2011 1:58 PM

Lots of children have habits, like nail-biting and thumb-sucking. The good news is that most habits disappear by themselves. But if you need to help your child break a habit, there are steps you can take.

What are habits?

A habit is a pattern of behaviour that happens regularly until your child does it almost without thinking. If children repeat an action, like pulling at their hair over and over, it’s a habit. Often our children’s habits might bother or frustrate us, but usually it’s nothing to worry about.

Children’s habits usually involve touching or fiddling with some part of their face or body. Sometimes children are aware of their habits, and sometimes not.

Some common habits in children are:

sucking a finger, thumb or dummy
biting nails or picking at the cuticle
twirling and pulling hair
picking their nose or sores
picking at lips or the insides of their cheeks
chewing objects such as pencils and clothing
grinding teeth.

Read more on Why do habits start, Breaking habits and Other facts about habits

earthbound_11 - February 22nd, 2011 3:02 AM

as they say its a hard habit to break, but its really discipline and commitment to the kids part to break certain habits


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