

One of the first health considerations you will need to make for your baby is whether or not immunization is the right thing for your child. It is recommended that children recieve MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), DTP, meningitis whooping cough and polio and Hib vaccines. While many parents won't think twice about taking their child for her shots because they view vaccines as necessary, others are adamantly against the idea. If you plan to have your children immunized, then take a look at Immunization Scheudle to find out when your children are due for their shots.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine against thrush, an uncomfortable infection that can be passed between mother and baby. If your baby passes the infection on to you, you may find yourself with some very sore breasts, so learn what steps to take in order to prevent thrush from happening.

Common Baby Problems

While every baby spits-up, did you know that some can have very forceful vomit? Projectile vomit is not pretty but can be treated. Other common health problem experienced by almost all infants at some point? Diaper rash and eczema! Learn how to identify these uncomfortable rashes and what you can do to prevent them from happening.

One of the biggest developments during your child's first year is teething. As exciting as him cutting his first tooth is for you, it can be quite uncomfortable for him. Find out how you can help relieve some of his discomfort as well as take care of his teeth.

More Serious Illnesses

Find information about bronchitis, including symptoms of bronchitis in babies, in our new section on bronchitis. You'll also find information on different types of cerebral palsy and how they affect your baby's development. At It's A Mom's World, you'll also find all you need to know about Down syndrome, including information on prenatal testing.

Tay-Sachs disease is a condition that affects neurological, sensory and physical development in babies; learn about the facts on Tay-Sachs disease as well as advice on caring for kids with this condition.


Taking care of yourself is an essential part of taking care of your newborn. A midwife can help you minimize the stresses of being a new mom by providing a variety of services for you and your baby, which can help reduce the risk of developing postpartum depression.

Recommended Link
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